Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Kindergarten Secondary Color Spiders

We squished together 2 primary colors to make secondary color then added legs, arms and decorations to create a spider!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Mr. Hay's introduction Video where he dances the Whip and Nea nea at the end!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Finished artwork mailboxes

Now students can take home their artwork to finish and bring it back and put the finished artwork in the "finished art project" mailboxes. Mr. Hay will check them every morning and bring the finished artwork back into the  art room. They are located outside the art room and downstairs on the artist showcase easel in the lobby. 

Primary Color lines in kindergarten

Students explored lines and circular scribbles using primary colors. 

Exploring organic shapes 1st-3rd grades

Students explored organic shapes and created organic shaped faces in 1st -3rd grades. Here are a few from 3rd grade!